At the moment my family and I are visiting relatives down in the other "city of water", Sydney, Australia, but I wanted to make sure you knew of the fantastic activities taking place in the wonderful waterfront neighborhood we call home - Red Hook, Brooklyn - over this weekend and over the next week, courtesy of PortSide New York.
Here's the info from PortSide -

This weekend is PACKED with activities in Atlantic Basin. Saturday, Pier 11 will be bustling with activity for City of Water Day. Sunday morning, Mary Habstritt gives a walking tour of Red Hook Industrial History. Sunday evening, the Mary A Whalen opens up her deck for TankerTime.
Saturday: Come to "City of Water Day in Atlantic Basin!"
For the first time, City of Water Day has expanded off Governor's Island, and PortSide is proud to have created a City of Water Day site with unprecedented activities. Come to Atlantic Basin in Red Hook, Brooklyn this Saturday, July 24th from 10am to 4pm for a wide array of water-themed activities for all ages. (entrance at Pioneer & Conover Streets)
We are very excited to have the impressive Steamship Lilac alongside for her first tours ever in Brooklyn. Plus, tours of our own Mary A. Whalen will be given throughout the day. There will be food from Kevin's Restaurant and Kustard King ice cream truck, kiddie pools, a Port-Side nautical-themed photo booth, make-your-own fish t-shirts, water-themed books from BookCourt, and the boisterous musical entertainment of the Red Hook Ramblers. Underwater NY's SoundTank will be on the scene recording your thoughts about the waterfront and stirring up some interactive fun for kids.
Ever wonder how shipping containers get scanned? You'll also get a close look at a US customs marine security display with a VACIS container scanner, sniffer dog and videos. American Stevedoring is lending a reach stacker container mover.
Join PortSide NewYork for a City of Water Day you'll never forget!
Volunteers still needed! Email
Sunday 11am: Walking Tour - Red Hook Industrial History
Join industrial historian Mary Habstritt for a walk along the Red Hook waterfront and discover the many 19th and 20th century remnants of the area's maritime and industrial history, from the New York Dock Co. to Lehigh Valley Railroad Barge #79 to Todd Shipyards.
The tour will take about two hours so wear comfortable shoes, dress for the weather, and bring a water bottle. We will end near Fairway Market, which has a café with waterfront seating where you can buy lunch or a cold drink. Mary is Past President of the Society for Industrial Archeology, Museum Director of the Lilac Preservation Project, and a historic preservation advocate.
Space is limited, reserve your spot here:
Sunday 5-9pm: TankerTime
Come aboard the Mary A. Whalen! Hang out, enjoy the sunset, meet fellow Red Hookians, and enjoy summer on a boat while you can.
Coming Up Next Week
Wed, July 28 7am: TankerTime
Wed, July 28 8:45pm: TankerTalk - Conrad Milster
Fri, July 30: 8:45pm: TankerTunes: Sara Bouchard and The Union Street Preservation Society String Band
I have seen the Union Street Preservation Society play they always put on a great show, the sullivan hall show was great. will try to make it to see them this friday